Pelican HardBack Case 1075 With Computer Liner Insert
Call to order - 888-325-2199
This case comes with the removable molded plush foam liner in the bottom and lid of the case to fit and secure your device.

Pelican HardBack Case 1075 Foam Filled
Call to order - 888-325-2199
This case comes with a sheet of pick'n'pluck foam in the bottom with convoluted foam in the lid.

Pelican HardBack Case 1075 with iPad Insert i1075
Call to order - 888-325-2199
This case comes with a custom cushion insert which holds your iPad or iPad 2, an Apple keyboard and has space below the keyboard for earbuds, cords, USA chargers and cords. This case can be used as a portable office with a built in easel to optimize hands free viewing angles in the horizontal or vertical positions.